Home & Garden | WordYrazzii

Heat Pump

People worship their pools during the warm summer days when they can jump right in to cool off. But when the temperatures start dropping, the pool loses its appeal and transforms into a cold and empty ditch in the middle of your yard. However, if you live in an area with mild or cold weather,

September 14, 2017 / by Emma Jones

In a world where technology reigns, it’s nothing out of the ordinary to be surrounded by electronics. Our homes are filled with tech-items that apart from doing us good when we want to take care of tasks in a timely manner, like doing shopping, looking for information, or paying the bills, they also do us

September 14, 2017 / by Emma Jones

If you just moved into the suburbs, or just decided you want to become the Queen or King of curb appeal, then you’re going to need more than willpower and determination to sit on the Curb Appeal Throne. Specifically, you’re going to need powerful allies in the form of power equipment to help you do

September 07, 2017 / by Danny Mavis
Garden Autumn

While we love the warm sunny days of summer, we have to admit all that sun can be rather damaging. If it’s damaging to the skin when not having the proper sunscreen on, and the hair when you’re not wearing an adequate hat, you can imagine what it might also be doing to your garden,

June 28, 2017 / by Emma Jones

Every homeowner wants a beautiful outdoor space that portrays relaxed outdoor living, but beautiful yards don’t create themselves. The secret to having a great front or backyard is to accessorize with the right plants – it’s very much like using the right pieces to decorate the hallway or living room. But all this requires time,

June 27, 2017 / by Emma Jones
buy shutters Australia

The window treatment is the one piece of the interior design puzzle that makes a home complete. The presence of window treatments is what gives a simple dwelling its distinctive homey feel. When I look at a house and see there are no blinds or shutters on the windows, I immediately think it’s either in

June 15, 2017 / by Emma Jones
Laminate Flooring

I’ve made many decorating mistakes in my relatively short career as a self-taught interior designer, but deciding to cover my beautiful hardwood floors with carpets is definitely the stupidest one. As you’ve probably already noticed, carpets are no longer in vogue. Today, going carpet-less and rug-less is one of the hottest interior design ideas because

April 07, 2017 / by Emma Jones

Picking the lighting products for one’s home is a task that shouldn’t be taken lightly. These pieces of the decorating puzzle are immensely important because they hold the power to set the mood in just about any room. Today, many people opt for LED strip lights for their residences because they emit light that’s perfect

March 23, 2017 / by Emma Jones

Gardens have always been the object of admiration which goes to show people have always been keen on finding beauty around them. It’s not something only we, modern age earth-dwellers, are interested in. Wherever you go around the world, there are breathtaking gardens to visit, full of scents and plant species that captivate. From Australia’s

February 23, 2017 / by Emma Jones
Canopy Bed Frame

Do you want to feel like royalty in your king-sized bed? I suggest you crown it with just the perfect frame to achieve the desired look. A stylish bed frame can really influence your overall sleeping experience and can make a lot of difference in your overall bedroom design. The wide choice of bed frames

February 08, 2017 / by Emma Jones