Industry | WordYrazzii

Pallet Racking Warehouse

So, you’re finally past the days of operating a small warehouse keeping inventory in a tight space of only a dozen square meters. Business is booming like crazy and you’re proud to be moving in a much bigger warehouse. Congratulations on making it! But managing such a large space is no easy thing, mind you.

January 17, 2018 / by Emma Jones
ice cream maker machine

If you’re looking to get into the ice cream making industry, then the recipe to your success lies within the ice cream machine and the contents of the cream. With the right equipment, ice cream making becomes a very rewarding and straightforward process. Moreover, it saves time, which allows you to produce more product without

December 25, 2017 / by Danny Mavis

Who can resist the divine smell of freshly baked goods? Even if you’ve excluded pastries from your diet, and try to avoid such calories at all costs, you can’t deny you find yourself drawn to take a peek at what the local bakeries have to offer. Just the fact our bread market is worth $4.7

November 20, 2017 / by Emma Jones

One piece of equipment that comes in very handy whenever heavy lifting is involved is the hoist. These devices are capable of lifting and relocating heavy items quickly and easily. Moreover, it allows you to move items efficiently and comfortably. It can save a lot of time and energy from taxing tasks that would otherwise

October 16, 2017 / by Danny Mavis
cordless grinders

There might not be a more versatile tool than the powerful angle grinder. It can be loud, it can also be very dangerous unless you properly protect yourself. Nevertheless, an angle grinder is an indispensable ally for a number of jobs that can’t be accomplished any other way. Whenever a handyman needs to do some

September 28, 2017 / by Danny Mavis
safety jackets (2)

Work environments where there is busy vehicular traffic and workers have to perform tasks using heavy duty machinery call for reinforced safety measures. Using high visibility (HV) clothing is one of the basic methods of precaution that workers at construction sites, warehouses and other industrial facilities are required to take so as to prevent accidents

September 22, 2017 / by Danny Mavis

Everyone has probably experienced a day like this in their lives. You hop in your car and while on the way to work you manage to hit every single red light, eventually making you late and making your boss angry. No wonder traffic lights have such a bad rep despite their good intentions. Truth is,

September 13, 2017 / by Emma Jones
Cross Laser Level

Whether you’re hanging a picture or a mirror in your home, framing out new walls or hanging wall tiles, it’s important to do it properly and make sure it’s even. But how do you know whether it’s even or not? Simple – you use a laser level. Laser levels make these jobs much easier, and

September 05, 2017 / by Danny Mavis
Importance of Chainsaw Sharpening

If you need to cut wood more than the average homeowner, than you’re in need of a good chainsaw sharpener. A dull chain is of no use and apart from exposing yourself to danger with such apparatus, you’ll also be rendering your investment futile in the first place. Yup, that image above ain’t fooling you

June 29, 2017 / by Danny Mavis

TIG Welding is a process that is used for the purpose of welding aluminium, titanium, copper, etc., and even two metals which are not similar. It is ideal for handling tricky welds such as S-Shapes, corners, curves, or where the weld will be obvious and finish and accuracy are of the utmost importance for the

June 23, 2017 / by Danny Mavis