Sports & Entertainment | WordYrazzii

4WD Snorkels

For all off-road adrenaline junkies out there, one of the top five things to make the experience better and make your vehicle more capable, is adding a 4WD snorkel. Most 4WD manufacturers make the engines so that their air intake faces forward, as close to the grille as possible, as that’s where the air is

April 26, 2017 / by Danny Mavis

Looking for a summer excitement on the water but somehow water skiing does not seem to thrill you anymore? Why not try to kick it up a notch by introducing some of Tony Hawk’s impressive skateboarding stunts? And that’s without the risk of losing your teeth or breaking an arm. What if I told you

March 03, 2017 / by Emma Jones

It’s true – inline skating is making a comeback. More and more people nowadays decide to give this retro activity a second chance, but this time the fun factor isn’t the most important one; believe it or not, health is. Here’s how the human body can benefit from this unique physical activity. First of all,

February 13, 2017 / by Emma Jones
Paddle Tail Grub Featured

It originated as a means of survival, but over the years it has transformed from a national pastime into one of the most popular sports in Australia. Yes, you’ve guessed it, I’m talking about fishing. They say fishing is not an escape from life, but often a deeper immersion into it. Today, it is among

February 02, 2017 / by Danny Mavis
Motorcycle Luggage

There’s more to comfortably riding a motorcycle than just the process of choosing the right motorcycle, that’s something all pros know. The key to being a good biker lies in preparation, learning how to stay organised and in having the right set of accessories. You can’t expect to make the most of a ride if

December 23, 2016 / by Emma Jones

Summer is almost here and you’ve worked hard all year so that you’re ready to compete at the local triathlons, but somehow you are not seeing any big results. The crucial element you might be forgetting? Nutrition. Whether you spend time swimming laps in the pool, hitting the pavement or the gym, the right sports

December 16, 2016 / by Danny Mavis

The braided fishing line is known as one of the earliest types of fishing lines widely used by fishermen. Back in the times, it was made of natural fibres including cotton and linen, which doesn’t necessarily mean they were very effective. Today the fishing community enjoys a far better option of fishing braid line, made

December 05, 2016 / by Danny Mavis

If you’re looking for a way to escape all the modernism the world has forced upon you, try resorting to diving as a way to escape from the world and zen out in. When diving, all your attention is focused on what you see through the mask, and breathing. Moreover, get to experience what many

November 18, 2016 / by Danny Mavis

When it comes to making plans for an upcoming weekend that would involve the wider family, a lot of people tend to raise their hands and just give up. It’s impossible to fulfil everybody’s desires and still keep the family fun spirit and general idea of spending quality time together. For quite some time I

November 04, 2016 / by Emma Jones

Spring is here and it calls for fun outdoor activities! If you are a lover of the woods and delicious fish dishes, then I believe that a fishing trip is exactly what you need. The weather is warm and pleasant for both the fish and you, so I advise you to seize this opportunity before

October 25, 2016 / by Danny Mavis