December 24, 2020 / by Emma Jones

You’ve counted down the weeks, and chances are, you’ve already arranged your baby’s nursery room neatly, waiting for them to arrive. During those exciting hours of baby shopping you probably even picked your baby’s first toys, but have you remembered to pack your bag for the hospital?

If you’re waiting until you feel labour contractions to get packing, then you’ll most probably forget a few important things. That’s why it makes sense to know what to pack in hospital bag for baby and mum and have it ready in advance. Because anywhere from 35 – 38 weeks of your pregnancy, the baby may decide to surprise you. Pack light, bring along just what you need (and like) and most importantly – keep a positive attitude.

Your Newborn Baby Hospital Bag


Your baby won’t need much at first – just milk, warmth and you as most of the time, they’re sleeping and eating. Plus, many hospitals provide nappies, blankets and wipes, so you might check with your hospital first before you start packing. However, when deciding on what to pack in hospital bag for baby and mum, keep the following must-have items in mind.

Baby Outfits

You’ve waited nine long months to see your baby in all of those teeny tiny clothes. You and your baby will probably spend 2 – 4 days in the hospital and you’ll need several baby outfits. Several rompers and easy-to-put outfits (that fasten up at the front) in case your baby soils one or two with a diaper blowout. Bring two undershirts, socks and hats because babies can get cold easily. When choosing the outfit in which your baby will go home, it’s essential that you consider the weather conditions. Take a bodysuit, a light blanket and a cap for warmer months, and mittens, jacket or snowsuit for colder months.

Baby Goods


Burp cloths – small rectangles of cloth are invaluable for your baby’s first days. Pack at least three or four of them. Your baby will likely spit up frequently, and those clothes will help you keep yours and baby’s clothes nice and clean. Pack newborn nappies, wipes and blankets (even if supplied by the hospital, you will need these in your baby’s bag for a long time). It’s always a good idea to have baby wipes – they’re very handy, plus they’ll be of great help to you remove sweat, makeup and generally freshening up. Don’t forget to get a diaper rash cream. Pick this item carefully as it needs to be gentle on your newborn’s delicate skin and help prevent diaper rash. The best choice is hypoallergenic formulas that are free of harmful chemicals. Organic coconut oil is a go-to option that many mommies and babies love.

Infant Car Seat


Last but not the least, have approved car seat and figure out how to install it properly. It’s crucial that you install it in the back seat before you leave the hospital in order to drive your baby home safe. This is required by law in Australia.

Mum To Be Hospital Bag


Dividing your hospital bag checklist essentials into two categories will help you pack everything in order. Those are things you will need during labour and things you’ll need in the recovery room.

Things You Will Need During Labour

Make sure your labour bag has all the hospital paperwork completed on the top of your bag as nurses will need it first. Sometimes labour can start and then take hours to progress, so you’ll need to have some things at hand to help you relax and keep your mind occupied. It might be a good book, relaxing music or even essential oils. Giving yourself a massage with your favourite scented oil is a great way to help yourself stay calm. You will also need slippers and a comfortable gown during these hours. Don’t forget to pack some labour-friendly snacks such as sugarless candies, sports drinks or crackers as they will keep you hydrated while boosting your energy.

Things for the Recovery Room


If you choose to breastfeed your baby, nursing bras will ease your experience. A gown or top that opens at the front will also make breastfeeding easier. Toiletries and cosmetics like a toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, moisturizer, hair clips, soap and lip balm will help you freshen up. Stretch mark serums and nipple creams that soothe nursing pain are very welcoming assets during a hospital stay. Maxi breastfeeding pads and extra underwear will make you feel more comfortable.

Keep in mind that, even though it might seem like forever, it won’t be long until you get to go home with your little one. Neither you nor your baby will need five designer outfits as you’ll be busy recovering from delivery. Stick to the essentials so that you and your baby can have a happy delivery and a smooth ride home.